The place where children come first
Welcome to my website,
In this place, I will present opinions, ideas, questions, research and of course, my thoughts on creating a healthy environment for children from all walks of life. I promise it will be biased - children's needs will be my first priority - but my bias will be backed up by real life observations and research by myself and others who are respected in the field of child development, social psychology, multicultural education, early childhood education, education and, specifically psychology as it pertains to children's exposure to violence and trauma.
I am a fan of Alfie Kohn, Jonathan Kozol, Linda Darling-Hammond, James and Cherry Banks, Sonia Nieto, James Garbarino, Lenore Terr, Daniel Olweus, Dr. Bruce Perry and Joy D. Osofsky. All of them work toward a world where children really are our first priority and efforts are made to make the world a healthy, safe place where children develop, explore and learn.
I have also created a new podcast, Healthy Environment, Healthy Children on various platforms for example,, apple podcast and spotify podcasts.
To contact me or my team, please send an email to: [email protected].
David Hatch, Ph.D.